Joomla Vorlage by Jackets

Bakery Beats

The robot bakery has blown a fuse and started producing treats non-stop

Can you clean up the bakery and stop it messing up the whole street


Bakery Beats is a simple but wildly addictive puzzle game.


The objective is simple

- Match 3 or more pastries of the same type by swapping their places.

- Matches can be horizontal or vertical.

- The treats merge together into a bigger treat...growing until they burst in a shower of dough that feeds other treats.

- Get cascades of popping treats for even higher scores.

- As you progress the levels get more and more challenging.



You will need to get at least one star on each level to pass on to the next, but be sure to go back and challenge yourself and your friends to get three stars on each level!

While getting 1 star on each level may seem easy getting 3 stars on each is very very hard.


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How to play


Bakery Beats is a match 3 game. The player needs to make a line of 3 or more cakes/pastries of the same type either horizontally or vertically.

This is achieved by swapping pastries, either horizontally or vertically, so that one of those pastries makes a match. If neither makes a match they will return to their starting positions.

When a match is made the other pastries in the match merge with the one that was moved to make a bigger pastry. Other pastries fall down from above to fill the newly created gaps potentially creating new matches which also merge and so on.

When the game starts all of the pastries are size 1 and as they merge they can grow to be sizes 2, 3, or 4. Bigger than that and the pastries are unstable and go SPLAT! and little chunks of dough fly out to merge with other pastries of the same type. If a chunk of dough merges with a larger pastry then it will also go SPLAT! and create a cascade which is worth more points.



Scoring is simple. When a pastry merges it scores 10 times its size so a size 1 pastry will score 10 and a size 3 pastry will score 30. When a pastry splats it scores 100 times it size, so a size 5 splat is worth 500 points and a size 10 is worth 1000 points. When a cascade occurs the score is multiplied by the level of the cascade so a first cascade (secondary splat) size 5 splat would be worth 1000 points and a second cascade size 5 splat would be worth 1500 points and so on.



For most levels the score determines the number of stars awarded. On some levels there are a number of bubbles of specific colours that need to be collected in order to get that first star. Bubbles are only collected when they pop. On some levels the stars are also time based for example less than 80 seconds to get 1 star, less than 70 to get 2 stars, and less than 60 seconds to get 3 stars.

The player can only move to the next level when at least 1 star has been awarded.

Levels are grouped in to pages of 4. To progress to the next page of levels it is necessary to obtain at least 9 stars on that page in any combination over the 4 levels. The player can opt to watch a short reward ad instead to allow progress to the next page if less than 9 stars have been awarded.

If the player has paid to remove ads then play can continue to the next page without watching a video.


Special Blocks

There are 5 type of special blocks


  • Blank - Pastries can't occupy a blank space but they can pass through it
  • Solid vent - Pastries can't go through this space and have to go around. The vent cannot be damaged.
  • Broken vent - Pastries can't go through this space while it is occupied. A SPLAT! next to the block will do damage to it. Horizontally or vertically adjacent splats will break it in two causing the pieces to fly off the screen. Diagonal splats will do damage according to how big the splat was. Two diagonal splats will break the block. When a breakable vent has been broken then the space can be occupied by a pastry.
  • Warps - A warp will move a pastry from one position in the level to another. A level can have up to 3 warps all matched by their color.
  • Zapper - Usually inert this block is activated when a pastry goes splat next to it. It zaps other pastries of the same type depending on how big the splat was. The zapped pastries splat and add to your score.



The best strategy to use depends on the type of limits on the level. At the beginning most levels are limited by the number of moves so the best strategy is to make moves near the bottom of the screen to maximise the chance of secondary merges. Also sometimes it is better not to go for the biggest pop but to go for the chance of cascading pop as these are worth a lot more points.

On a time limited level the best strategy is to make as many moves as possible in the time allowed. Have your next move lined up before your previous move has finished. In 90 seconds it should be possible to make about 25 moves.



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